Notes & Memories

On this page, you will find audio files from online survey submissions and “My Favorite Library Moment” notes. Enjoy!

Audio files from online survey submissions

For the online survey, patrons and non-patrons had the ability to leave audio notes to add more context to the responses they provided. Here are some summaries of what we heard.

Non-Patron Notes

Audio A non-patron was identified as anyone who had yet to go to the library within the 12 months prior to taking the survey.

What is your favorite library memory?

What community organizations or outlets should the library partner with?

How would budget cuts to library services impact you or the community?

Why haven’t you visited the library?

How else can the library reach people?

What other suggestions do you have for the library to engage communities?

Patron Notes

A patron was identified as anyone who had been to the library within the 12 months prior to taking the survey.

What is your favorite library memory?

What community organizations should the library partner with?

What programs or services should the library invest in?

What changes would you make to the library’s hours of operation?

How can the library better reach people?

What programs or services do you value most?

“My Favorite Library Moment”

During the project, individuals were provided with the chance to leave notes expressing their appreciation for various aspects of our Milwaukee Public Libraries. Here are some of the moments people shared.

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