Online Report

On this page, you will find the quantitative report summary, data charts, and audience comparisons. Interested in more qualitative findings from the community conversations and listening sessions? CLICK HERE and explore the 30-page report.

Survey Engagement Overview


Milwaukee residents completed online or paper surveys.


Visited a Milwaukee Public Library in the past year.


Had not visited a Milwaukee Public Library in the past year.



Individuals Lived Near North Cluster Libraries

Branches Include: Atkinson, Capitol, Good Hope, Villard Square


Individuals Lived Near Central Cluster Libraries

Branches Include Center Street, Central, East, Washington Park, Martin Luther King Dr.


Individuals Lived Near South Cluster Libraries

Branches Include: Mitchell Street, Bay View, Zablocki, Tippecanoe

Community Engagement Overview


Listening sessions and community engagement events hosted.


Attendees and actively participating individuals engaged.

Sessions focused on hard-to-reach and historically underrepresented communities including:

Check out our interactive data dashboard to explore quantitative results.

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